Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday Fun: No School, No Rules and Music on the Lawn

I love Fridays! Today, especially, because it was the last day of school (for my kiddies). An early release means I had to report to work at 12:30. I baked the kids cupcakes this morning & brought them in for snack. We let them ice/decorate themselves! Boy were they wired but it was so much fun! The school I work at has a neat tradition of sending off the kids on summer break by blowing bubbles as they leave/the buses drive off. It was so fun to watch! I sometimes miss "little kid excitement" and the anticipation of summer break...I do get excited to be done with exams, but it's not the same as it was back then!
Showing off their creations! (Some were already consumed by this point)
After work I headed downtown for part of the Summer Arts series - Music on the Lawn. A band called "Surrender Dorothy" played funk rock-ish music on Henderson Lawn for about an hour and a half. I met Mom down there and we got some Rita's to keep cool! I love Rita's SO MUCH. Mango...Georgia peach...blueberry...watermelon...don't ever ask me what my favorite flavor is!
Henderson Lawn, downtown
The concerts usually get a huge crowd - lots of families, little kids who run around and dance, lots of locals and pretty much people from every walk of life (if you get my drift). You always see at least one person that you know! That's one thing about living in a small town that I love.
It was the first concert of about 7 or so that they are going to have. I'm super excited for the Dixie band, Crossties and the Key West band! Love that dance music!
The HOKIETRON was there!
So, I really was just trying to get a picture of the robot guy himself, but his sidekick asked if I wanted my picture with him and he would take it, so I felt obligated to say yes...hence this awkward picture.
Surrender Dorothy's last song was Enter Sandman - so appropriate for Blacksburg! If you aren't familiar with Blacksburg/VT, before every football game the song is played and we all jump up and down as the players enter the stadium. It's hard to describe, HAVE to be there. As they started, the Hokie Tron walked out waving that flag. It was pretty cool!

Did y'all do anything fun this Friday? I hope sooooo :)

Tomorrow I'm getting up to go to Jazzercise! Then to watch SB play some ball in NC. Can't wait! :)

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