Wow, I feel like March has come and moved along so quickly! We are already halfway through, which seems crazy to me.
So far March has been filled with weekends at home - love the relaxation - and lots of working/subbing. My current schedule allows me to work everyday (at my beloved after-school care job) and substitute when/where I am needed. Last week I substituted three days in a kindergarten room and just had so much fun! I could definitely see myself teaching kindergarten one day.
When I'm not substituting I am usually catching up on my new Netflix obsession, Hart of Dixie, lounging with my furry friends or helping out my mama in the library. This week is the book fair - aka the most anticipated week of the school year, besides spring break & the last week of school - so I am going in to help with check out and convincing children to not buy the fuzzy pencils and to buy a real book instead! ;)
There are some really cute books this year that I am going to snag up for my future classroom.
Here are a few samples:
This is an adorable book about a shark and a minnow who are best friends! This would be a great read aloud.
My mom actually already bought this one but I am definitely suggesting it to all teachers/mamas of little ones. It is a sweet tale about planting a seed of kindness. If you know Kadir Nelson, then you know you want your hands on this book. If you don't know Kadir Nelson, I strongly suggest you look into his books. Beautifully done work.
Another sweet story of a little girl, Maggi, and her dog, Milo, and their adventures together! It reminds me of the bond I have with our dog and that dog's really are a woman's best friend ;) Cute book!
I will also be picking up some nonfiction pieces, such as:
I seriously LOVE the book fair and one of the most exciting parts about teaching is getting to set up my classroom library! I could not be more excited :)
Have a great week!