Today's post is going to be a roller coaster ride and sort of a long post.I had an amazing weekend that I am happy to be sharing, however today brings back some sad memories for me but I still want to share them with you.After all, this is my own, personal blog.
We'll start with the weekend... My weekend started off with a great day at work! I haven't worked on a Friday in quite a while (unusual for me) so I was really happy to be there for our fun movie day.After work I went to an acapella concert with my friend, Brittany! It was a lot of fun and the all-male group sang a lot of fun songs, including "I Want It That Way" and "Go The Distance" from Hercules, among many other songs. I really enjoy listening to acapella groups! There are a ton on campus. It's awesome.
Around 10:00 pm I headed home and Steven texted me that he wanted to Skype. So, naturally, I was anxious to get home because we haven't skyped/seen each other for about two weeks! We have talked on the phone, but that isn't the same.Long story short, I pulled up to my townhouse and who was sitting on my porch!??!You guessed it!I got to see this guy in real life and spend the weekend with him.I think I was the happiest girl in the world!
On Saturday I woke up bright and early to walk the 3.2 for 32 on campus. I decided to walk with my Mom and two of her friends because I'm still trying to get over my sinus infection and didn't feel up to running. The race starts with a balloon release on the drillfield. 32 white balloons followed by thousands of maroon and orange balloons. This moment is always emotional for me.
The course then runs through campus, through Lane Stadium and ends back on the drillfield. I have participated in the run each year it has been held and I will continue to do so in years to come!If you are ever in Blacksburg when the race is being held, I encourage you to run or walk it and be a part of our community where all are welcome.
After the run, Steven and I watched some of his brother's baseball game and went to Frosty Parrot downtown. I am slightly addicted to this place. We shared a bowl of white chocolate mousse (my favorite) and blueberry tart with fruit and goodies on top.
On Sunday I went to church and then headed to a lunch in memory of Mary Karen Read, a victim of the April 16th shooting. Her family established a scholarship in her memory and I was lucky enough to receive it my sophomore year. Each spring, her family travels to Blacksburg and all of the past and present recipients get together to have lunch and chat. Her family is amazing and I am so blessed to have received the scholarship and be able to carry on Mary's legacy through my desire to teach. Lastly, I spent the afternoon at Hokie Focus giving tours to prospective students. It was a hot day for tours, but at least the families were able to see our campus in the sunshine which is when it looks best! I had a full weekend that went by WAY too fast. I had fun, though, and am still so happy that Steven surprised me! Today, we are ALL Hokies...
I took some time this morning to visit the April 16 memorial which is located in front of Burruss Hall.
Today marks the 5th anniversary of the shooting on Virginia Tech's campus.
Five years ago, today, I sat in my English class in Blacksburg High School. It was a normal, cold, April day. In high school you aren't supposed to have your cell phones in class, but no one listens to that rule. A girl, Emma, in my class received a text from one of her friends that there was a shooting at Virginia Tech. Cue the panic. Text after text started flowing in with the number of people dead. Everyone's worst nightmare was unfolding just a mile down the road. We all sat in shock as we were put on lockdown for the remainder of the day. No one knew what to do or say. There was fear for our friends, parents and siblings who were on campus that day.
School was cancelled for the rest of the week as our community tried to comprehend what had just happened and begin to pick up the pieces.
A former Blacksburg High School student, Austin Cloyd, was among the victims. That hit me hard. Her younger brother was in my class and my heart broke for him and his family.
I'll never forget going to the convocation on campus where President Bush came to talk. We didn't make it into Cassell Colesium, but instead sat on the turf in Lane Stadium watching the speeches on the jumbo tron.
There were hugs, tears, and hands to hold wherever you looked.
I'll never forget going to The Concert for Virginia Tech. I am a big Dave Matthews Band fan and I would never in a million years have thought my first time seeing them in concert would be in Lane Stadium or under circumstances such as those influencing the concert.
During that concert, Dave said something that still gives me chills today:
""I must tell you, there is no place I'd rather be in the world than right here with y'all, right now."
It was an extremely emotional concert, from the artists wearing VT shirts, to hearing the "Let's Go" chant as we waited for performers to take the stage. I have the DMB performance on my iPod and I listen to it every once in a while.
I will be forever thankful for the love and support the nation showed us that year, and each year after as we face each anniversary. From the students to the faculty to the community members to the alumni to the families to the Hokie fans everywhere...this day will never be easy, but we will prevail.
We truly are a Hokie Nation. And today, we are ALL Hokies.