Thursday, December 27, 2012

Keeping Strength

This quote, which I found on Pinterest, is perfect for something I am working on.
Too often I find myself worrying over things that are coming, things I know will happen in the future, such as someone having to leave town, a doctor's appointment or a big test, among other things.  I'm definitely a worrier.
I am desperately trying to keep those anxious thoughts from my mind until I need to be thinking about them.  There is no point in me getting upset that someone is leaving in a couple of days when I could be living up the time that we have in those last couple of days.
Whatever is meant to happen is going to happen, and while I can't change a lot of things, one thing I can change is my attitude.  I know that God's plan for me is right, I just need to give it time to unfold and make sense.  I need to stop trying to change His plan for me -- I know he won't put anything on my path that I cannot overcome.  Especially because worrying doesn't change anything.  Worrying won't make those "not-so-fun" events disappear, it will only make them harder to deal with.
I'm going to (try) and stop my unnecessary worrying because it is starting to take toll on my relationships, health and overall happiness.

This is one of my new year's resolutions!

Any advice to control stress, anxiety, worrisome thoughts?
Anything you're trying to work on for the new year?

Have a positive day! :)


  1. I LOVE THIS POST! And I feel like you wrote it just for me :) I have huge anxiety problems and worry about everything so maybe I'll make it one of my resolutions too! I also need to apply this to my search for a big girl job and remember that God has a plan for me and the right job will come along when I'm ready!

  2. Love this! I am such a worrier and my anxiety is over the top sometimes. I remember having it overwhelm me during the spring of last year. But... I have a job I love and things worked out - just like they will for you!!! Enjoy senior year!!!!


Thank you for the sweet comments! xo!