Saturday, December 15, 2012

Hello, again :)

I can officially say semester is OVER!
I have time to BLOG!
I have time to READ!
I have time to CATCH UP ON SHOWS!
I have time to SLEEP IN!

If you can't tell, I'm very relieved to be done with the fall semester. Overall, it was a great semester and I can't believe that in 5 months I'll be preparing for graduation. Unreal.

I am so happy to get back into blogging. There is a lot I need to catch up on!

However, today I only want to say one thing:
My heart is broken for everyone involved in the tragedy that unfolded at Sandy Hook Elementary.  I heard the news as I left my exam yesterday and I held back tears as I walked home.
As a future teacher and someone who spends a part of every day with elementary students and interns with kindergarten, I could only imagine the precious faces that I see and think about never seeing them again. It's a sickening feeling and I cannot imagine that that feeling is real for so many people in Connecticut today.
My heart is heavy, my thoughts and prayers are with them today and always, and I hope they know how many people are sending them love.  It may seem unlikely now, but the sun will shine again in their hearts.
God Bless them.

Of course, it brings back memories of April 16, 2007 for me. I, along with the entire Blacksburg/VT community, will never forget the enormous amount of love and support we received from everyone all over the world.  I hope to 'pay-it-forward' and send my support to Sandy Hook this weekend. I encourage you all to do the same.  Although there are no words that can heal the pain they are feeling, just letting them know that they aren't alone can mean all the difference in the world.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Congrats to you!!! I'm happy to be back in the blog world too! I've got lots of catching up to do! Have a great weekend. Enjoy your sleep. :)

  2. Congrats on being done with finals, Sarah! I will be in Roanoke for the holidays, so maybe we can get together!


Thank you for the sweet comments! xo!