Monday, August 12, 2013

Last Week's Workouts

Lat week I actually got in all of my runs! As scheduled! It's a miracle, and just in time for my schedule to change ;)

I keep my runs during the week pretty simple knowing I had 9 miles on Saturday.
My long run went pretty well - had a little discomfort in my shins/calves in the first couple of miles but felt good in the second half of the run.  I had to add on the last couple of miles in town after I ran out of trail - thank goodness for the drillfield :)

Before my run I ate some Gu Chomps -- oh my word. They are so good! I had the watermelon flavor & I am seriously dying to have them again.

Next weekend I have 10 miles on my plate & believe it or not there is only about 4 more weeks until the Hokie Half! I decided to run that race as I should - a 13.1 mile glorified training run.  I won't be "racing", I won't feel like dying at the end, I will be training. Just with a free t-shirt and people cheering me on to the end :)
I know I'm going to have to fight myself against the race mentality that I'll get caught up in, but I need to be smart! I don't have time to take off & recover from running the race hard.  And this course ain't no stroll along the beach either - we're gonna have to work it up the hills!

This week I'm starting to bump up my mid-week runs! Instead of 3-4-3 I'm going to 3-5-3. Changes in my plan make me so excited for the future race day :) I feel like it's getting closer & closer!

Have a great week!
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