Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Holiday Blog Challenge, Day 1 & 2

I decided I want to join in on the Fabulous Holiday Blog Challenge hosted by Neely and Amber before it gets too late! So, today I'll catch up and do day 1 & 2 together!

Day 1: Favorite Gift Ever Received

This is a tough one...I remember really great presents from back in the day, but it gets fuzzy whether they were for Christmas or my birthday! They're in the same month, so sometimes I get confused. Most of my awesome presents were dolls - once an American Girl doll, once the American Girl Bitty Baby and once a Lee Middleton doll that I named Joey (don't ask why)...I remember being ecstatic over all of those! My American Girl was Felicity and I got the brown haired Bitty Baby and I named her Karen (again...don't ask me where the names came from!) - I still have all of them!
This isn't exactly what outfit he came in but close enough!

Day 2: Favorite Holiday Tradition, New or Old

I have a couple!

The first would be cutting down the tree! We always get a real tree. I look forward to going out to the tree farm and finding the perfect tree for our living room. Then we cut it down, tie it up and take it home!

Putting the star on top. We have always used (until last year when I think it broke) a gold star to top the tree and when we were little we kept track of who put it up and each year we would take turns, so I got to put it on every third year! Nowadays, it's whoever can reach the top...usually little brother!

Christmas Cap'n Crunch!! This might be the biggest tradition. We always get a box of the Christmas Cap'n Crunch under the tree and that's what we have for breakfast! Without fail, my mom somehow finds a box!

I love watching Pee Wee's Playhouse Christmas Special. I'm sorry if this sounds creepy, because yes Pee Wee is kind of creepy, but when we were younger we LOVED this movie. Still, as "adults" we get on the couch and watch it at least once every year! It's one of those childhood things that will never die...

Those are my favorite Holiday traditions! Tomorrow is Holiday decor!


  1. awesome present, i always wanted an american girl doll (molly, to be exact). what fun traditions!!

  2. Ahh! I had Kirsten and then one of the dolls that looked like me. There are a couple of movies I feel like I have to watch every year or it's not really Christmas yet!

  3. Haha I love that you have Christmas Cap'n Crunch every year! Too funny!

  4. I forgot ALL about American Girls and Bitty Baby. Thanks for reminding me =)


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